Monday, October 20, 2014

Lies my coworker told me . . .

Mondays are hard enough with out having to deal with someone's flights of fancy. Well, that's what my day has been like today. Little Bookman started the day with a Quaker Oats bowl full of lies.

Sunday, he said, he was in a motorcycle accident.

But when he walked into Wonderland, 38 minutes late, there wasn't a visible scratch on him. Is he made of teflon?
The story about the accident changed depending on who he told it to — it happened after church. But he had on his riding pants and jacket.
Really? That's how we go to church these days?

In one story, he had to get his pants leg cut off. But there was no damage, yet doctors said he'd have some swelling. But they didn't give him crutches. He was hobbling around on a cane. Moaning with each painful step.

So, where's the pain medicine?

 After all, a jeep pulled out in front of you and crashed your little boy motorcycle and this is the second accident that you've had this month!
As it turns out, he's not taking any pain meds, but he was hurting so badly that he dipped about fifteen minutes after arriving to work. Could it be that the fact that the manager isn't here made his pain worsen.
So, then another coworker comes over and says, did Little Bookman send you a Linkedin profile request.
I nodded.
"Did you look at it?"
"Oh my, it say he's a senior consultant at Wonderland. That he has two engineering degrees and he got them both in four years."
So, you even lie on your Linkedin profile — as if people aren't going to check! And it you are THAT smart, why are you here?
It's too early in the week to be reading from the book of lies!
So, I've decided to list the lies Little Bookman has been caught in since I started at Wonderland:

  1. My mama had a stroke. 
  2. I'm married.
  3. I'm late (On Martin Luther King Jr. Day) because I had to take my son to school.
  4. My girlfriend had a hysterectomy. 
  5. I'm closing on a house (this has been used three times).
  6. I did security at the Super Bowl.
  7. Today is my dad's birthday (twice in one year).
  8. My mama had another stroke.
  9. We had a lot of people in here last Super Bowl Sunday (Wonderland is thankfully closed on Sundays) 
  10. I speak Spanish. (All I've ever heard him say is Si.) 

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