Thursday, November 13, 2014

Take your sick ass home

I hate cold and flu season. Hate it.
Other than the chance of catching a cold or getting the flu, there is always that one coworker who will drag his buffalo butt ass into work when he is filled with germs and spread it around like it's a freaking pu-pu platter.

Yes, in case you're wondering, I'm talking about Little Bookman.
This is the second cold and flu season that I've spent in Wonderland. And once again, his lying-I got to go let my mother-in-law in the house and I ain't even married-ass is sitting up in here coughing, sneezing and snotting.

Go home!

Yes. This is when you take your ass home. Not when you fake a motorcycle accident, but when you are sick and putting other people at risk. And by other people, I mean me.

My immune system isn't what it used to be. I get a cold, oh it turns into the flu.
But here you are, with a legitimate excuse to use A SICK DAY and you're spreading your germs like you normally spread lies.

Cough one more time and I swear I might drown your ass in Lysol or Clorox.

Don't believe me? Ask my roommate from my freshman year of college what I can do with a gallon of bleach.

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